2025 Registration Form (Elmvale Minor Ball)

2025 Registration Form
Once you have submitted your registration form, please send your payment to [email protected]. Once payment has been received, only then will your child will be considered registered. If there is a waiting list, you will be notified.

Player Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Liability Waiver:

I acknowledge and declare that I am the parent and/or guardian for the above registrant and I acknowledge that participation in softball activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to, collisions with other players/equipment, being struck by a ball, bat, or other equipment, weather-related hazards such as cold, extreme heat, or storms, risks associated with physical activity, including sprains, fractures, and concussions. I fully understand, acknowledge, and accept these risks on behalf of the participant and voluntarily allow my child to participate in the softball activities of the Elmvale Minor Ball Association and Georgian Bay Minor Softball League at his/her own risk, and by agreement, release, waive, and discharge Elmvale Minor Baseball from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, or causes of action that may arise from my child's participation in club activities.
Privacy Policy:

OASA Privacy Policy / Elmvale Privacy Policy


This website is powered by the MBSportsWeb platform whose full privacy policy is available here.  A summary of that privacy policy is as follows.  MBSportsWeb does not collect, use, or distribute personal information other than what is required in order to provide support to associations and to issue invoices.  Each association who uses the MBSportsWeb platform may collect personal information and should have their own privacy policies, however, MBSportsWeb does not use this information for any purpose.
Code of Conduct
  • All players within Elmvale Minor Ball are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.  Breaches of this code are taken seriously and will be dealt with accordingly. By agreeing to these terms indicates your agreement with the Code of Conduct.
  • In addition to Elmvale's Code of Conduct, players in the GBMSL are also expected to follow the league's Code of Conduct.
Rowan’s Law:

Under Rowan's Law, before any player can be registered with the local association and Baseball Ontario, the player, and the parent or legal guardian of the player if the player is under 18 years of age, must review one of the Concussion Education Resources provided by the Province of Ontario and must review the Player Code of Conduct. Links to these resources are provided here and will open in a separate window:

Province of Ontario Concussion Education Resources:


Rowan's Law Acknowledgement:

I hereby confirm that the player being registered to participate in baseball activities with Elmvale Minor Baseball and the OASA, and the parent or legal guardian of the player being registered if the player is under 18 years of age, have reviewed one of the concussion education resources provided by the Province of Ontario as referenced above and have reviewed the player code of conduct as referenced above. I / we further acknowledge understanding the nature and risk of concussion and head injury to athletes, including the risks of continuing to play after a concussion or head injury is suspected.
I  authorize and grant permission to Elmvale Minor Baseball and its representatives and/or partners, to take photographs and/or record video footage of my child(ren) during team activities, games, practices, and events. 
Once you have submitted your registration form, please send your payment to [email protected] immediately. Once payment has been received, your child will be considered registered.